Use energy consciously
As a manufacturing company, we bear a special responsibility for the conscious use of energy in every form. On the one hand, we therefore take measures to reduce energy consumption - in our production processes, at our sites and in our day-to-day work. On the other hand, we are promoting renewable energy and are increasingly generating it ourselves.

Recognising potential savings
In 2023, we modernised the electrical metering systems at all Austrian locations. The new metering systems are less susceptible to failures and also allow for more comprehensive and accurate energy monitoring. Around 250,000 euros were invested in this.
In 2023, 87 new meters were installed in Salzburg and 16 in Trieben; others will follow successively. In the final expansion stage, we will be able to track 100 per cent of the electricity distribution in the plant. An interface summarises the results of all meters and provides a quick overview.
The monitoring forms the basis for energy-saving projects and helps us to calculate the carbon footprint at product level.
Renewable energy
- The power of the sun
- Sustainable electricity
- Energy project in Trieben
- LED insert
- Energy project Italy

The power of the sun
Around one million kWh of electricity - we generate this impressive amount of renewable energy with photovoltaic systems at our sites in Austria, Poland and Italy. This makes us less dependent on external suppliers.
Our goal: to equip as many roof surfaces of warehouses and production halls with PV systems as possible.

Sustainable electricity
At our Austrian locations, we obtain almost 100 per cent of our electricity from renewable energy sources such as hydropower and wind energy.

Energy project in Trieben
How can we become less dependent on gas, secure our energy supply and increase energy efficiency at the Trieben site? The first step of the measures required for the project initiated in 2022 - the installation of a new heat pump - was implemented in 2023. This has already saved 1,345 tonnes of CO₂.
In combination with the lowering of the flow temperatures, better heat distribution and the use of existing heat pumps for heating the offices, the final expansion is expected to save over 5,000 MWh of energy.

LED replacement saves energy
We are gradually replacing our lighting systems with LED lamps - in the Salzburg electroplating plant in 2023, for example. This has already enabled us to save 1 million kWh per year at all Austrian sites.

Italy: Reducing energy consumption
The photovoltaic system at the MAICO site in Italy has been in operation since April 2023. Together with the replacement of the lighting in the warehouses with LED lamps, we were already able to save around 35 per cent of external electricity consumption in 2023 (from 39,000 kWh per month to only around 25,000 kWh).
In 2024, the lighting in the offices will be replaced with LEDs: We expect further energy savings of around 3 per cent in relation to total energy.