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The MACO Group management team

The MACO Group management team

From left to right:

  • Chief Product Officer (CPO) Alexander Wesser is responsible for all of Maco’s product portfolio & services, including product development. 
  • As Chief Health, Safety, Environment & Quality Officer (CHSEQO), Markus Hillinger is responsible for all issues relating to health, safety, environment and quality.
  • Chief Digital Officer (CDO) Florin Guma is responsible for all aspects of digitalisation, digital transformation and information technology.
  • Chief Sales & Marketing Officer (CSMO) Daniela Tiller is globally responsible for all sales and marketing topics as well as customer logistics.
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO) Wolfgang Ornik is responsible for production, technology, production planning and intralogistics at the six production plants. 
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Thomas Schüssler is responsible for financial accounting, controlling, purchasing, and legal & compliance. 
  • Mario Neuwirth completes the top management team as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).


Welcome to the world of MACO

MACO Company
Mayer & Co Beschläge GmbH, Alpenstraße 173, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
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