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Technology in motion

Technology in motion

For windows, doors and sliding doors

With experience, passion and system solutions: MACO has been developing technology that moves windows, doors and sliding doors for over 75 years. As experts in hardware, we have always placed a premium on unsurpassed quality and service life. At the same time, we are always working to achieve better solutions. For the benefit of our customers, their customers and – you guessed it – the environment.

Our newest highlights

MACO Multi Matic (IQ)

MACO Multi Matic (IQ)

Tried-and-tested for years and yet always new: MACO Multi Matic is our comprehensive hardware platform for turn & tilt windows. We are constantly expanding this platform and working to further improve its existing elements. In doing so, we also ensure that all the parts fit together and perfectly coordinate with each other. You can easily recognise our new solutions by the IQ label they now carry. MACO Multi Matic (IQ): The complete system.

Instinct by MACO

Instinct by MACO

Keyless, secure and convenient: Instinct by MACO is the multi-award-winning door locking system that opens and closes doors fully automatically via app. Access control is also convenient and reliable via app.

MACO Move HS roller New

MACO Move HS roller

Quiet, smooth-running and durable: The MACO Move HS roller was developed for effortless lifting and sliding of doors weighing up to 500 kg. From the concept design and the choice of materials to the construction, everything about it is designed for sustainability.

Coordinating hardware for


China Overview


Welcome to our World of Doors: The range for your timber, pvc and aluminium doors


Welcome to our World of Sliding Doors: The range for your timber, pvc and aluminium sliding doors


Welcome to our World of Windows: The range for your timber, pvc and aluminium windows


Welcome to the world of MACO


Мир подъемно-сдвижных конструкций: Pешения MACO для широкоформатных конструкций из алюминия и пластика

MACO Company
Mayer & Co Beschläge GmbH, Alpenstraße 173, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
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