MACO's classic 3-latch lock Z-TF now has two additional multifunctional latches to complement the standard cranked latch. This produces an optimal, permanent gasket compression over the entire height of the door. The door leaf is held securely and reliably, without additional locking.
This delivers the best anti-burglary characteristics with up to four safety bolts. The new option with multifunctional latches and hook locking (MF-HO) also brings other practical benefits.

New variant MF-HO locking
In the version with hook locking (MF-HO), two hooks that extend upwards increase the burglary inhibition and thus supplement smooth operation with maximum safety.
Another advantage is the day release, which can be retrofitted optionally – ideal for the object equipment with several residential units. Compatibility with e-openers has also been improved: Despite 3-trap technology, the MF-HO side lock only requires an e-opener (instead of three so far). This saves processing effort.
Practical: Whether semi-/automatic or mechanical, each MF-HO-based lock is based on the same locking section range. All four cylinder-operated lock families (Z-TS, Z-TF, A-TS and the future M-TS motor lock) access the same locking part platform.
Curious? The MF-HO variant is available in Q2/2020 in all MACO markets.