MACO's classic 3-latch lock Z-TF now has two additional multifunctional latches to complement the standard cranked latch. This produces an optimal, permanent gasket compression over the entire height of the door. The door leaf is held securely and reliably, without additional locking.
This delivers the best anti-burglary characteristics with up to four safety bolts. The new option with multifunctional latches and hook locking (MF-HO) also brings other practical benefits.

New variant MF-HO locking
In the version with hook locking (MF-HO), two hooks that extend upwards increase burglary prevention and thus supplement smooth operation with maximum security.
Another advantage is the day release, which can be retrofitted optionally – ideal for buildings with several residential units. Compatibility with E-Openers has also been improved as despite the 3-latch technology, the MF-HO side lock only requires a single E-Opener (instead of three). This saves fabrication effort.
It’s also very practical as in both the semi-automatic and mechanical variant, each MF-HO-based lock uses the same striker plate range. Thus, all four cylinder-operated lock families (Z-TS, Z-TF, A-TS and the upcoming M-TS motorised lock) all use the same striker plate range.
Curious? The MF-HO variant is available in Q2/2020 in all MACO markets.
Advantages & benefits
Easy handling and excellent functionality.
- Available in three different heights
- Easy and quiet closing thanks to the standard cranked latch
- Simple gasket compression adjustment
- No routing for the i.S striker plates
MF-HO locking delivers added benefits
- One striker plate range for all cylinder operated door locks
- Optional day release - can be retrofitted
- Only one E-Opener required instead of three
- Improved burglary prevention thanks to two hooks instead of two bolts
End users
Safe and secure up to RC 2 with sophisticated operator convenience.
- Easy opening by handle (inside) and key (outside)
- Permanent gasket compression over the entire door height (intact sealing and sound insulation)
- Easy and quiet closing thanks to the standard cranked latch
- Permanent counteraction of any distortion of the door
- Electric openers can also be used
- Burglary-resistance grade up to RC 2 according to EN 1627 - 30
- Simply press a button to open the front door conveniently from any apartment thanks to the electric opener