Digital Service

Technical Online Catalogue
Everything at a glance
Before you start with your element design, it‘s worth taking a look at our Online Technical Catalogue as this is your reference book. Discover our product range and benefit from our technical drawings and application information, such as six-page views and drilling and milling images. You can also conveniently download them.

MACO Win Configuration Programme
Assemble hardware
Hardware composition? MACO Win helps you with planning – this powerful software is interfaced into your window construction programme. This allows you to work individually, automatically and you can also use fabrication data for machine control. MACO Win is also available online in the MACO WinWeb version.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Networked building planning
Building Information Modelling, or BIM for short, is finding its way into window and door construction – this model depicts building data three-dimensionally. We provide you with our compatible hardware data at a unique level of detail and at high speed for your window construction programme – integrate it into your BIM model.

Manual Data
Individually compiled
Special projects require customised solutions. Under the "Manual Data" digital service, we offer you manual data if you are unable to use MACO Win. Our team will compile the hardware data for you, fully customised to your needs.

Ordering Platform
Convenient and simple
Our ordering platform automates your purchasing process, where you can configure your hardware and order conveniently at the click of a mouse. Use helpful features such as reusable shopping basket templates, free text fields (e.g. for your internal notes) or the order history.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Convenient data exchange
Have all the preparations been completed? Then, we exchange the data and documents with you quickly and conveniently via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). This interface between your ERP system and ours (ERP = "Enterprise Resource Planning") ensures a fully digitalised data exchange during the business process.
We are by your side – step by step

Get off to a relaxed start
Even before you start with your element design, it is worth taking a look at our online technical catalogue. This is one of our digital services.

Well thought-out preparation
Our digital services include the MACO Win configuration programme, manually compiled data and BIM (Building Information Modelling). These support you in your element planning.

Precisely tested
Is your element planned? It needs to be tested before production: Our experienced test team is available for individual tests in our test centres at several locations.

Before production
Convenient and simple: our ordering platform automates your purchasing process. EDI also ensures fast data exchange during the business process.

Finish line
Your element is almost finished in production. What's still missing are customised thresholds to give your (sliding) door the finishing touch. When it comes to installation, we are at your side as your service specialist – and after the sale too.